Nov 7, 2007

15 Miles to Austin

Fifteen Miles to Austin by Finijo

I took this picture on my last trip to Austin. These words came to me as I passed that same sign on my way to Austin about 12 years before. I was going to Austin to meet with an advisor in the Psychology Department to try to get into graduate school at UT. The guy was nice enough to meet with me, but ultimately we could not come to a meeting of the minds and I left his office remembering the feeling that I had when I attended UT as an undergrad. I felt less than human, a number, or something that he got to check off of his to do list. In the end, it all worked out and I have very fond memories of my time in Austin, but I don't think I will forget again that feeling of insignificance.

Austin 15 Miles

The sign says
15 miles to Austin
I am filled with

But the road is blocked
by fear and doubt
Will you take me back?
Am I the only obstacle
in my path?

I see no other future
Are my eyes clear
or cloudy?
The answer is in my heart.


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