Nov 14, 2007

Texadelphia and Pente

Pente Board by Finijo

On Saturday, I had a lovely lunch with Mike and Bill at Texadelphia. Over cheese steaks, we talked about life and work and surreptitiously ogled the Rice boys. After lunch, Mike and I played a few games of Pente. Mike was a very good teacher, so I actually one one of the games, but for the most part, he wiped the board with me. Having never played Pente, I wasn't sure what to expect. It's a pretty straight forward game, you are supposed to alternately lay down stones on the board with the goal being to have five pieces that connect, like tic-tac-toe. Each game we played took about 15 minutes or so, which is preferable to me than a six hour game of Monopoly. I think what I like most about it is that you can play the game and have a conversation at the same time. Playing Pente it is a really nice way to spend a Saturday afternoon with friends. Thank you, Mike, for introducing me to Pente.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never actually played Pente. It is really similar to my favorite board game, Go. I challenge you sir.-m