Nov 23, 2007

The Dark Side of the Window

I debated with myself about posting my Nohari Window and asking for feedback. I finally decided that I could take whatever came at me, and it would be a good opportunity to instigate change for the better. The only reason that I continue to have reservations about asking for participation with my Nohari Window, is that it is an incredibly difficult thing to ask of people. First you are asking them for criticism, which is an uncomfortable place to go for most people. Second, you are asking them to trust that you are not so thin skinned as to get your nose bent out of joint. Just as I will have to trust that those who choose to add to my Nohari Window will do so with the best intentions, the people who choose to provide this feedback to me will have to trust that I will not hold it against them in the future.

After working on this project with a friend, it became apparent that for both the Johari and the Nohari Windows, the descriptive words are really just aspects of a person's personality - and not reflective of the whole person. That should probably be obvious, but when you are choosing words from the list, it feels a bit like you are name calling. Because of the discomfort choosing causes, we both felt compelled to provide explanations/qualifiers to the descriptors we picked. I found that I was able to pick one or two words from the Nohari set that I was comfortable with, but trying to choose five words was very difficult. It seemed like the entire definition of the words did not really define the person. So, if you feel you need to add qualifiers, please feel free to do so.

Here is my Nohari link:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for participating. It was difficult. I think you made the point though. They are merely aspects of personality, not the entirety.
I am glad we both did that. I can't wait to do it in 6 months, after time has elapsed to see if change has occured.-m