Nov 1, 2007


Mike and Bill's Halloween House by Finijo

For the last few years, we have gone to Bill and Mike's for trick or treating. The neighborhood is festive and all the neighbors turn out on the street for a big party with great decorations, food, and tons of candy for the kiddies.

Midnight Cowboy by Finijo

This is the first kid we saw tonight who made an impression. He had the whole block oohing and aahing and tomorrow he will likely be the talk of the neighborhood. His dad is standing behind him and his comment was, "If I could get away with just wearing a vest, I would." Good for Dad and Son - the kid has got big brass ones.

Alex and Connor Cutting Up by Finijo
Alex was a demon reaper and Connor was the demented wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. They both got lots of candy, but even better than that, they had a blast scaring the bejesus out of the little kids who passed by.

Wolf Con by Finijo

Connor crouched down and completely covered himself with his Renaissance Festival cape. When children walked closer to examine the dark lump at the end of the driveway, he burst out at them and sent several of them screaming into the street. Not really the safest way to frighten children, but definitely effective.

Alex Demon by Finijo

Alex is really growing up fast. His voice is changing and he's become more serious, but that didn't stop him from hamming it up tonight. I think his picture turned out really scary.

Snake Charmer Angel by Finijo
This darling little girl walked the neighborhood with her pet snake. While I did not touch it, I did face my fears as much as I could deal with tonight by getting pretty close to her to take the picture. As much as they freak me out, I felt sorry for the little guy being jostled all over the neighborhood as a fashion accessory for a trick or treating tween.

Hairless Bobo by Finijo
The dressed up dogs were on parade tonight. This is Bobo, the hairless rat terrier. I was told by the owner that they became a recognized breed in 2004 and that they are genetically engineered. He touted Bobo's assets as being, no shedding and no fleas, but he added, "You do have to put sunscreen on them in the summer." Hairless rat terriers also come in the miniature Bobo size (5 lbs.) and the jumbo size at a whopping 10 pounds.

Oreo by Finijo
Mike's neighbor's dog, Oreo, was pretty cute in his Halloween bandanna, and the pumpkin dog below, was just adorable. I can't remember a Halloween where more dogs were trotted out in costume.


Mike said...

What great pictures. Thanks for the nice reminder of a fun evening. Tell Connor to do his homework or I will own his soul soon too!

Anonymous said...

I want bobo. give it too me. now.