Nov 22, 2009


Inari Blue by Finijo

Mrs. Foster taught me to make inari yesterday. She picked out the groceries needed and I cooked the dish today. YAY!!! It was successful and simple and was enjoyed by all of us tonight as part of our dinner. Marilyn made the sticky rice with nori and black sesame seed rice seasoning.

Inari is made with Japanese rice, vinegar powder (or liquid form), pickled ginger and bean curd pockets. This dish has a really nice blend of flavors from the sweetened bean curd pocket to the slightly sweet and sour rice then topped by the tang of the pickled ginger (just a little goes a long way). I also used some kimchee for a few of them, because Marilyn doesn't care for a lot of ginger, but she determined that the ginger was good and better than the kimchee as a garnish.

Cook the rice, add the vinegar powder (it comes with the bean curd pockets), mix well, boil the bag of bean curd pockets for 5 minutes in the pouch they come in, and then scoop the warm (not hot) rice into the pockets when they are cool enough to touch. Top with a bit of pickled ginger and it's done. This is great finger food for parties, as well. Let me know if any of you try making it. :)

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