Jul 22, 2009


Rudyards by Finijo

For my birthday, I went to Rudyards with Marilyn and Saibe for Boo Town's story night. I always call it "Adult Story Time," but that makes it sound naughty. What Boo Town does is offer writer's the chance to submit stories and have them read by actors in front of an audience. The concept is pretty cool, and the outcome is often hilarious (sometimes unintentionally so).

Rudyards Stage
This photo shows where the magic happens. I am hoping that Saibe will soon produce some work for presentation by Boo Town. He is a talented young writer of some pretty gruesome fiction, and needs to get his work out and take his talent more seriously. It was a nice way to spend my birthday and a lot of fun, also. I definitely recommend Boo Town.

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