Jul 23, 2007

Last Piece of the Puzzle

The picture I am posting is of an extra piece of puzzle that I found in a jigsaw I have been working. The puzzle was a gift to Connor years ago. It depicts a large, white, fluffy cat lounging across a giant teddy bear. It isn't my taste, but a puzzle is a puzzle, and it was in the house when I was in the mood to put one together. The puzzle contains 1000 (and one) pieces, and the extra piece is strange to say the least. It's not shaped like any of the other pieces, which are the traditional type you'd expect. The print on the piece almost looks like a fractal or something from a cartoon about space. Hardly the furry, pink and white monstrosity I have been working on. There should be a name for an extra piece of puzzle in a jigsaw puzzle box.
I spent my birthday at home and sick. Being sick sucks, but it gave me the chance to start and finish Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I felt like I was in a race against all of the people who love to publish and broadcast spoilers. I've waited ten years for the ending to the story, and did not want to have it ruined for me. Rowling did a great job of making all of the pieces fit (so to speak), and I was not disappointed. That is to say, I am not disappointed in how the story ended, but I am very disappointed that there will not be another book. It is the end of an era in our home...

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