Jul 28, 2007

Kathy Griffin

Marilyn and I were treated to tickets to the Kathy Griffin show last night. Caryn and Matt got us tickets for our birthdays, and we both agree that it was a GREAT gift. Kathy was on fire! I think I actually laughed the last of that nasty cold I had last week out of my system. It's true, laughter is the best medicine. Thank you Caryn and Matt (and Kathy) - I'm healed!
I am currently reading the Lenny Bruce bio that was done in the early 70's, and it occurred to me that there are similarities between their acts. Obviously, they are both foul mouthed and piss people off, but the author described how Lenny Bruce seemed to take the audience into his confidence, like they were good friends chatting in his living room. Kathy Griffin has the female equivalent of that style, like she's talking to her girlfriend/gayfriend while she's getting a pedicure.
We sat in the front row of the balcony at the Verizon Theater, which meant that we had great seats, and we got to see Mike and Bill in their floor seats. The theater was packed, and the audience was wall to wall gay - VERY fun/electric atmosphere. Kathy was so funny that I couldn't imagine how she could top herself and end the set. Suffice it to say, she ended the show with a story about Barbara Walters and the last word she said was Astroglide! FABULOUS!

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