Apr 2, 2005

The Art of Barrie

Studio Map Posted by Hello
I went searching for some new art work to blog about or to use when I blog, and I found The Art of Barrie. This is a studio site for an artist who has a unique challenge for people who happen across his site. I like his art work and the site is truly unique. I thought about how to explain the site, then thought it better to let the artist explain it himself:

Welcome to Barrie's Studio. This is one of many studios in a community of artists associated with a wonderful non profit organization called ART on the NET dedicated to the promotion of art on the world wide web. My studio is has many theme galleries which are represented by the pictures on the left. Access to the lobby is obtained by pressing the oversized bell next to the door. Previews of my art can be seen in this window by selecting the pictures on the left. In the lobby you can take a random tour by requesting the map or just follow the signs. There are three levels to the studio. The studio level generally covers recent subjects. The roots of my art is located in the archives level of the studio which will require some tenacity to gain enty. The final level is the Vaults which contain an outline of a frightening true story that is at the roots of my art. The experience related in this story made me truly appreciate the importance of expression.

The last two sentences in his introduction to the site give the feel of some ominous secret in his past. I've been back and forth through the site and the key to the Myst-like puzzle eludes me, so far. I am pretty sure there is an anagram involved, but that's as far as I've gotten with it. If you are able to figure it out the puzzle, let me know because my curiosity is piqued by the dark promise of an answer to this artful mystery. What a cool idea.

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