Feb 19, 2009

Holy $&@#!

Cross and Baptismal by Finijo

While traveling down I-45 with Connor, I exited Beltway 8 and and as I started up the steep incline and rounded the corner, I found myself face to face with the biggest freaking cross I have ever seen in my life. I literally exclaimed "HOLY SHIT!"

Caged Cross by Finijo
The cross rises up over the beltway when nothing else does. It's just cross and sky for as far as the eye can see. I am both drawn to and completely repelled by this behemoth of a structure. I've gone back twice to take photos, and I know I will have to go back again.

Holy Shit! by Finijo
The cross belongs to the Sagemont Church, formerly known as Sagemont Baptist Church. It is on a campus that looks like it was purchased for expansion. Something tells me that the long term plans for this church is to out mega the mega churches, like Lakewood.

Cross to Bear by Finijo


Anonymous said...

Yes, but in Memphis, we have Six Flags over Jesus: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=bellevue+baptist+church+memphis,+tn&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=59.119059,107.226563&ie=UTF8&cd=1&ll=35.183209,-89.812374&spn=0,359.790573&z=13&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=35.183293,-89.812486&panoid=JLNwCNpFLyHFdc69q8EAlg&cbp=12,90.6351423111528,,0,-15.87704918032787

finijo said...

I thought Jesus hated flags. Wait a minute...it's not flags, it's fa...nevermind.