Sep 24, 2007

Spinybacked Orbweaver Invasion

We are in the midst of an invasion. We have three giant spinybacked orbweaver spider webs surrounding our back door. When I say the webs are giant, I am talking about a 5-6 foot span. The spinybacked orb weaver looks like a combination crab and alien life form, but it is harmless enough to humans. They apparently have no desire to enter your home, and live only to eat other insects. Since our backyard has been taken over by mosquitoes the whole summer, I am thrilled that we have an army of spinybacked orbweavers to finally take down those malicious, blood-sucking bastards. Marilyn, who has arachnophobia, is not thrilled. She is anxiously awaiting the next big thunderstorm in the hope that it washes all of my freaky new friends away.

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