Sep 29, 2007

The Changing

Persephone by Melia Dawn Newman Posted by Hello
As we slide into Autumn, or at least what passes for Autumn in Texas, I thought this painting would be appropriate. I found the artist on-line over a year ago, and I really like her work. Ms. Newman has information on the web that says she sells her paintings on Ebay, but I haven't found anything except an ACEO of cats, which doesn't speak to me the way her series of archetypal women does.
I feel myself going through some changes lately, although, I'm not really sure that I want to change right now. On on a deeper level, I know that change is good and it will keep me from turning to stone. I can't tell if the way I am feeling will pass like the changing of the seasons, or if I am entering a new phase of life that will be more enduring. At times it seems like I'm progressing and other times like I am devolving, but I think anything is better than feeling the stagnation of not moving at all. For now, I think I will embrace the shifting in my nature, in spite of the fear and the discomfort it brings.

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