Jul 15, 2006


On Notice by MEG

Marilyn doctored the "On Notice" list from the Colbert Report. It fits this blog entry because I got a call from the management of my apartment complex asking me to go to court and testify against La Loca for them next week. They are working on throwing her out of her apartment and they want me to be a character witness against her. On the one hand, I can see why they are taking her to court, and I agree that she needs to go. On the other hand, I am not looking forward to living in the building she burns to the ground after they throw her out. I am also not looking forward to having my tires slashed after I testify against her and she's thrown out. I don't relish being responsible for her homelessness, and I do not think I want to see her on the elevator where I work heading to the homeless program. I told them I would call them today with a decision either for or against testifying against her, but I absolutely blocked it. I didn't remember to call them until after 7:00 PM.

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