Feb 1, 2010

Armory Art

Houston Armory by Finijo

The Houston Armory is slated to become the Buffalo Soldiers Museum. I am glad that the City of Houston has found a way to reuse this building, instead of just letting it fade away into oblivion, as so often happens.
Armory Detail by Finijo

I love the relief details on the building. Embellishments like these are just not done anymore, and they add so much to the beauty of the building. The remodel is supposed to be done using green building principles. I know the ribbon cutting ceremony was about a year ago, so I hope they get started on construction soon.

Back of the Armory by Finijo

The back of the Armory has been decorated a little more recently. I know it will all disappear when the remodeling is complete and the museum opens, but I enjoyed the splash of color on such a dull surface on such a dreary day.

Armory Art Detail by Finijo

Upon closer inspection I found some wheat pasting in addition to the spray paint work. The face I love so much by Eyesore, and a fragment of Dual left behind.

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