Oct 12, 2008

Galveston One Month Post Hurricane Ike

Jetty and Seawall Post Ike by Finijo

A month after Hurricane Ike, the island opened up again to non-residents. I took a trip with a good friend to do a photo shoot and to explore a bit and see what was left in Ike's wake.
Seawall Mural Post Ike by Finijo

All along the seawall, there was debris. The road and sidewalks stood, but were damaged and in the process of being repaired. Most businesses had not yet reopened. Still, there was life and traffic and much of the debris had already been removed. It was a moving experience to see the island coming back from the brink.

The Unreal by Finijo

Sometimes we catch a glimpse of a loved one we know well and care deeply for, and they don't seem real. The light hits them in just the right way, and quite suddenly we are overtaken by the feeling that they could shed their light tethers and disappear forever. I did not think I would like this photo because of the blurry quality, but it fit a sentiment that occurred to me that night.
Waffle House Chairs by Finijo

One of the few restaurants that was open that night, we were able to get a dinner of eggs at the Waffle House. The food was good and the wait staff was hilarious, so it was one of many evenings to remember.

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