Sep 16, 2012

Why I Haven't Blogged At All This Year

I think I have had blogger's block for about two years, but I really haven't even tried to post anything in 2012. Facebook and art have taken over my life. This is both positive and negative, I suppose. I looked back over my most recent (yeah, I know there is nothing recent) posts and realized that I never even blogged my trip to France, and that was truly blog worthy. I spent 10 days in Lyon with a good friend and her two children July a year ago and even had my birthday in France, which was quite memorable for me. It was a beautiful city and a year later, I often wake up from dreams of returning.
Floral Sculpture by the Rhone River in Lyon 

I've had a couple of interesting trips for work since my last post, as well. I went to Boston in June of 2011 and LOVE that city. Everything about that city appealed to me and I liked the people I met, as well. Beautiful art and architecture and the city just felt very much "alive." I liked the people, the architecture, and the food. 

Boston Cathedral Detail by Finijo

I also went to Minneapolis in May of this year and it was quite an experience. It was a beautiful city, but I have never visited a city before and seen so much crime in one visit. I actually had to give a statement to police about a theft I witnessed while eating dinner at an outside table at a very nice restaurant. Warning: Do not leave your iPhone sitting on the table when you eat on a patio, a thug is likely to reach over the fence and steal it. In this case, it was two thugs who did their maneuver simultaneously.

Spoonbridge and Cherry by Finijo 

The last couple of year has also been a very creative one for me. I have begun to show my art and have participated in about 8 shows over the last year. I have several more coming over the next six months and I also opened an Etsy store ( )and I have sold a few pieces, as well. I am starting to do assemblage art, which feels like a good fit, so that is exciting for me. I never really had a desire to show my art publicly (real time, not on line) before now and I am surprised at how much I am enjoying it and how well it is being received.

Ode to JZ (assemblage box) by Finijo

After this month, I hope to get myself organized and set my goals for 2013. So much to do, so little time. I want to be in at least one show at the Lawndale Art Center next year, I would like to curate a show, and I would like to be more productive with my free time, which means that I could spend my time blogging more of what I see and do. I really have missed my blogging time, because it's that pensive time when I get to process my thoughts and file away the experiences I've had and prepare for the new ones at hand. I'm crossing my fingers that I keep this promise to myself.

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