Sep 21, 2009

Galveston One Year Post Ike

Galveston Stairs by Finijo

I visited Galveston a year after Hurricane Ike left his mark on the island. The day was windy and cool and quite beautiful. It was like most days in Galveston, but the clean up since Ike is almost complete and there is so much new construction that you would hardly believe that the devastation that took place just a year ago even happened.
Kettle House by Finijo
This is one of my favorite structures on the island. I am not even sure how it came to be, but this
is what I could find out about the Kettle House from the Galveston Shuttle:
KETTLE HOUSE, GALVESTON TEXAS - According to the “Weird Texas” by Wesley Treat, Heather Shade and Rob Roggs, the Kettle House in Galveston was “supposedly erected by a gentleman who used to build storage tanks for oil companies.” Neighbors no little of the man, but the house house has been there over 50 years and has survived Hurricane Ike. No one lives there even though a man is sometimes seen there making improvements only to disappear for months again.
Ike's Truck by Finijo
This truck can be found on what is left of a pier off of Seawall Blvd. heading West on the island. It has been there since the storm and the pier is in need of repair before it will be retrieved. In spite of a sign saying that that pier will be open again soon, it does not look like anything has been done there since Ike, other than to erect a fence to keep people off of it.
Birds Recycle by Finijo
If you click on this photo, you will get an idea of how well nature adapts after a natural disaster and how well it manages to deal with the waste we leave behind. Someone is out a truck, but now many birds call that truck home. I almost hope they leave it out there. It would be a shame to see them lose their home.

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