Sep 16, 2004

In the beginning...
I have been meaning to set up a web page for several years now, but never seem to find the time. Tonight, however,
I find myself inspired by techie friends, my sister and a 14-year-old (David) to get off my butt and just do something. The result (for better or worse) is Bricolage.

My nephew, Steve, is in West Virginia on a business trip this week, and he happened upon a wonderful photography studio, Grubb Photo, in Bluefield, West Virginia. This is a link to their amazing picture titled: Fog Over East River Mountain located at: It shows the fog rolling over the mountains and out over the valley. It looks like an ocean wave enveloping the town in the valley. It's beautiful.

My Uncle Gary also owns a wonderful photography studio (in Fairmont, West Virginia). It is called Smile Photography and a link to his website is located at: He does beautiful portraits.


da7id said...

nice job. i like the way your layout looks. those are some amazing photos.

finijo said...

Thank you both for the encouragement and the inspiration to finally do this. Hope you're having fun in San Antonio!