Dec 30, 2004

I Love Netflix!

My nephew, Steve, got Marilyn and I a subscription to Netflix for Christmas. Our first three movies arrived 2 days ago (about two days after the order was placed), and I just sent two of them back to Netflix today. This service is GREAT! It is wonderful to not have to stand in line to pay for the video and pay the inevitable late fees (inevitable if you are me, that is). The first film we watched was Garden State and it was very good. It is one of those films that is hard to classify. It's funny, sad, poignant, quirky... not really a comedy, not really a drama, not really a dramedy. It is one of those films that you find yourself thinking about for days after you watch it, and it has a really original storyline, which is refreshing given the typical recycled movie fodder released year in and year out.

Monsieur Ibrahim , our second Netflix pick, was a wonderful film. Omar Sharif befriends a boy who has been emotionally abandoned by his family. Omar Sharif is amazing, and even in his 70's, I still love his sparkling eyes. The boy in this film had the most expressive and beautiful face, and for not having much acting experience, he did a great job.

I just finished watching
Monster, our third pick.
Monster is on my list of "must see one time only" films - films that are great, but too emotionally draining (for me) to see a second time. All the buzz was right, Charlize Theron is amazing. Christina Ricci's performance as Selby, Wuornos' lover, is not mentioned enough in reviews of this film. Her character is as complex as Theron's, and she still looks like she could play a 13 year old, so it gives her portrayal an extra layer of creepiness. I never did figure out how her character was supposed to be. In the job search scenes, Charlize Theron reminded me of all the addicts I've worked with who come in for help after 20 -30 years on the streets doing drugs, stripping or prostituting themselves. They finally decide at age 45 the party isn't fun anymore and it's time they get sober and get a career. By then, their lifestyle choices have caused had some permanent effects on their brains and their characters that prevent them from seeing their options realistically. Theron did a wonderful job of portraying the frustration and rage of finding out that the bridges burned during addiction, really do cut people off from the opportunities and choices that the sober world enjoys. I think Monster is a pretty even handed portrayal of Aileen Wuornos' life. Some of the reviews I read talked about how the movie would make people feel sorry for her at the expense of the memory of the victims, but I didn't feel particularly sorry for her at the end of the movie, I just felt sad for the futility of her life. She (like many) grew up amidst terrible abuse and neglect, but she made choices throughout her life that led to her tragic end.

The last movie we watched,
Saved, wasn't a Netflix movie. I bought it at Blockbuster (along with Clerks and Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban) and had to mention it in this blog, because it is GREAT!!!
Saved is irreverent without being obnoxious. The script for Saved is intelligent and funny, and the cast is brilliant. I laughed all the way through this film, but the scene that tickled me the most is a "blink and you'll miss it" bit in the film. Macaulay Culkin's character, Roland, is in a wheelchair. In this scene he is with his friends at the mall, and he's holding this sign that reads "Will Dance for Food." The next shot is a close up of the two girls in profile talking, with Roland a little out of focus in background, between the two characters - and he is clacking and bouncing in his chair, doing a little dance - too funny. I wish I watched this one right after Monster - it would have helped me get to sleep that night.

Dec 29, 2004

Is Army Intelligence Really an Oxymoron?

U.S. Bunkers Posted by Hello

Today my friend, Mike, sent me the following e-mail:

From: Neff, Mike
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 2:13 PM
To: West, Karen
Subject: They've got to be kidding

I click on the link and find a truly odd offering - little spaceship styled bunkers for your personal home usage (in addition to their obvious military usage and the not so obvious undersea usage). The site is dedicated to the sale of these cute little backyard bunkers. What is a bunker, you ask? Well in the FAQ's for the site, it states:

What is a Bunker?

A Bunker has traditionally been a fixed armored concrete structure primarily used in war for the sole purpose of security and protecting the lives of those inside, until now. U.S. Bunkers is dedicated to providing the most ultimate, portable and multipurpose habitat for protection and security from threatening and non-threatening situations. These patented, armored, aerodynamic, monolithic concrete Bunkers have unlimited potential for adapting to an endless variety of conditions and uses. They are excellent in extreme temperatures and inclement weather conditions and they can be made to blend or camouflage themselves to the surrounding environment.

My first question to Mike was, "But can it float in a tsunami?" His response was, "You have to get the Posei-dome version." Cute, huh?

After reading the FAQ's I have several questions. First, is it possible for something made of concrete to be "aerodynamic," and if so, why would someone make a concrete object aerodynamic? How is the aerodynamics of a stationary object a selling point? Also, is it really necessary to have protection and security from "non-threatening
situations?" I understand protection and security from threatening situations, but non-threatening situations? Come on now! I also have to wonder if the word "bunker" has become a proper noun, since they capitalized it throughout that paragraph. The U.S. Bunkers website also shows several government officials, many in their military uniforms sitting in or standing next to these bunkers in an apparent endorsement of the product, which seems like a bit of a conflict of interest to me, but what do I know? They invoke Secretary General of the United Nations in their scare tactic attempt to persuade people to purchase a bunker. Still, the little girl inside of me thinks that their geometric shape is really groovy and can't help but imagine how cool a house built out of these pods would be.

Dec 26, 2004

Snowy Palms

Snowy Palms Posted by Hello

Christmas Morning 2004 Crystal Beach (Bolivar, Texas) Posted by Hello

Mom and Dad rented a beach house for the family on Crystal Beach in Bolivar, Texas. It was a wonderful and relaxing weekend, in spite of the noticeable absence of our nephew, Steve and his lovely girlfriend, Gina. They got stuck in Memphis when their flight was cancelled due to weather. Connor and I picked Marilyn up from work Christmas Eve at 6:00 PM, and downtown Houston was practically a ghost town with just a few workers and last minute shoppers scurrying around in the cold.

We drove straight to Galveston with snow flurries and BB sized ice balls swirling around us, and caught the Bolivar Ferry to Crystal Beach. The water was really choppy, so it was too cold and wet to get out of car. Waves crashed over the bow and sprayed the cars with salty mist. It was dark, so the only thing we could see while we were on the ferry was Sea Wolf Island, but
the visibility was really poor, so it looked more like a yacht than an island. We arrived at the beach house, ate and played gin rummy. Marilyn and Dad set up the tacky little artificial Christmas tree I got from CVS - a four foot wire and paper pine with the lights already on it.

It was quite a surprise Christmas morning, when we awoke to snow covered palm trees. Who'd a thunk we'd get a white Christmas on the Gulf of Mexico? Connor got to see real snow for the first time in his life and he loved it. To top off his Christmas adventure, he had a real snowball fight with his mother and grandfather.

After we took pictures of the snow, we went back inside and opened presents. As always we were blessed. We kept things low key and didn't cook anything except the greenbean casserole and the potatoes. Marilyn and Igot to play Shanghai Rummy with Mom, but I think I was too PMS'y to fully appreciate the game. It was nice to get the time to play cards and just talk with the parents, though. Seems like the older we get, the less spend that kind of time together, but the more we appreciate it when we do.

We took pictures the whole weekend and even stopped on the way home to get some pictures of the cemetery on Broadway on the way out of Galveston. Final analysis:
*beach house rental $ 500.00
*tacky artificial Christmas tree $ 7.50
*white Christmas on the Gulf of Mexico - you guessed it, priceless!

Galveston Cemetery December 26, 2004 Posted by Hello

Dec 13, 2004

Cloning Chingy?

Chingy Posted by Hello

Houston Posted by Hello

After visiting Ramblin' Educator's blog entitled I Do Refer to Eminem as Mr. Mathers, I began to ponder whether or not Chingy is really that cute. Not having ever seen Chingy, I have absolutely no point of reference, so I put the quandary out of my mind. Now as luck would have it, I was strolling through my local Target store yesterday and happened upon the CD section, in which I found - Chingy. My pondering began anew as my eyes drifted over the rack of Rap and Hip Hop CD's, and I thought, "Could it be?!? Does Chingy have yet another new CD entitled - Houston?" I pulled my sister aside and asked her, "Could it be? Does Chingy have another new CD release entitled - Houston?" We held the CD's up and looked from one to the other, finally making the determination that there is a new artist on the musical horizon who looks EXACTLY like Chingy! Houston in tha hizzouse! My pondering turned from whether Chingy really is that cute to, are they cloning Rap artists? Hmmmmm...

Dec 11, 2004

Cool New Tunes

Scissor Sisters Posted by Hello

The Killers Posted by Hello

This weekend I heard two new bands that I really liked. Scissor Sisters were on SNL tonight and they had it all, incredible sound and style. They're like a 1970's glam rock dream. The drummer is a machine,and drives the rest of the band with his tireless wailing. I expected to see the drums explode at any minute. The bass player is a Maurice Gibb look alike, who wears his hat rakishly tipped over one eye - he's just the epitome of cool. The guitar player has an Amish beard, but wears high waisted palazzo pants like Gretta Garbo (or Prince in his Kiss video) and makes his guitar sing. There is female singer who is tall and statuesque with dual tone hair and has a retro hip style that gives her the air of a B-52 singer combined with a diva drag queen. She holds her own with the lead singer. Now the lead singer screams sex with every move he makes. His stage presence is a combo of Prince, Mick Jagger and Jim Morrison all rolled into one. He's energetic, androgynous, and he can pull off a wardrobe that includes halter tops, gold lamé pants and high heeled boots. I give it up to anyone who can sing AND dance in high heeled boots! Their first song, Take Your Mama, reminded me of Elton John when he was cool (early '70's for those too young to remember) and for their second song they did this amazingly weird version of Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb in a Mick Jagger falsetto (a la Knight in Shining Armor). I was awestruck. GREAT band!

Last night I saw The Killers on MTV. I hardly ever watch MTV anymore. I grew up with MTV and it lost it's appeal for me sometime after Nirvana reigned supreme. I liked the first couple of seasons of Real World, but they lost me with Remote Control and the Beach Party stuff. BIech! Last night I just had to stop channel surfing when I heard The Killers. They sounded so 80's. At first I thought it was an 80's band retrospective, then I realized it was a new band that just sounded old. They carried me right back to high school - absolutely fabulous sound and so much energy on stage. LOVE this band.

It's a rare month in which I hear two bands that do it for me the way The Killers and Scissor Sisters do, so hearing both in one weekend is quite a coup.

They say we start to look like our pets...

Scary Shing Shing Posted by Hello

My good friend is losing her mind. While she slowly drifts further into madness, I struggle with my guilt and impotence because I can’t help her and I can’t stand to see her the way she is. I don’t know how to deal with the deterioration of the mind of my mentor. She has always been strong-minded and reliable, but now she doesn’t always make sense and she often gives advice that seems bizarre. In spite of my education, my work, and all of my years of friendship with her, I don't know how to deal with her in her present condition. My guilt stems from my avoidance of her. I want to call her, but I can’t make myself, because contact with her drains me emotionally. I want to visit her, but I am afraid to find that she is worse now than she was the last time I saw her. I can't excuse my cowardice and treachery, but I can't be around her either.

My friend tries to hide her paranoia and fear, but anyone who knows her can see that there is a very different look in her eyes, a kind of wildness and uncertainty has replaced her sage, calm visage. She is irrational and new acquaintances would be kind to say that she seems eccentric. The truth is harsh - she seems crazy.

Some weeks ago, her brother came home late one night to find her wandering down the street, clutching one of her cats to her breast. When he asked her what she was doing, she told him she was going to the apartment manager's office to find out what time the Halloween party was being held. He had to explain to her that it was after 11:00 PM and the management office was closed, and then he had to direct her back to her home. She has two cats (thankfully only two) and her world is revolves around them. She saves her meals at restaurants to take home to feed them and she tells her friends she does not want to leave them alone in the apartment because “it upsets them.”

Her symptoms are varied and worsening with each passing week. Exhibiting extreme paranoia, she has accused several friends of tapping her phones, spying on her through her TV set, hacking into her computer and tampering with her bank accounts. From week to week, her paranoid delusions shift from one friend to another. I was one of the accused, and she called me crying and begging me to “make it stop.” She now tells me she no longer believes that I am responsible for her misery.

Recently, she became extremely manic and started staying up all night and obsessing over a woman she says she is in love with. Her lesbianism is a surprise to all of us (especially her family). The obsession with her friend, turned into stalking and harassing her. Understandably, they are no longer friends. Now she mourns the loss of this person in her life, and still professes her love. Her uncontrolled mania also lead to her leaving her home in the middle of a driving rain storm at 4 AM to go to a cat show that did not start until 9:00 AM. Although the cat show was only about 8 miles from her home, she became disoriented in the storm and ended up lost miles from the cat show venue. In her diminished state, she picked up a hitch hiker named "MJ," gave him the keys to her car, and asked him to drive her to the cat show. MJ then spent the day with her at the cat show, received food, cigarettes and money from her. I don't have the stomach to ask if she requested that he drive her home, too. She told me that while at the cat show, she caused an incident that resulted in security and judges being called to the booth where her friends (who are cat breeders) were stationed with their cats. Her friends screamed at her and security guards asked her to leave. Ultimately, her friends intervened and she was allowed to stay till the end of the show.

Thanksgiving week her daughter came into town and after Thanksgiving, the daughter and my friend’s brother had her committed. A few days later they helped her discharge from the psych ward against medical advise, because they felt that the psychiatrist was a quack. Her car keys are being held by her brother, but she is living alone and can otherwise come and go as she pleases.

This saga has been unfolding for months and I know her condition will not improve anytime soon - she's in a downward spiral. I thought somehow writing it all out would make me feel better, but my quilt is not assuaged. I feel useless,helpless and treacherous and I can’t make peace with the inevitable.

Nov 30, 2004

Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year

I just went to check out a word in the Merriam-Webster Online and Look what I found!

Merriam-Webster's Words of the Year 2004

Based on your online lookups, the #1 Word of the Year for 2004 was:

Blog noun [short for Weblog] (1999) : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer
How cool is that? You will have to go to the website to find out what the other Words of the Year are, but I thought the top word was deserving of a post.

Nov 29, 2004

Forrest Clemenger Bess

Rain of Color 3, by Forrest Bess,
not dated, oil on canvas Posted by Hello

When I was in high school, I read an article in an art magazine (the name of the magazine eludes me today) about a Texas artist who suffered from a form of mental illness that caused him to attempt to surgically alter his genitalia so that he could become a hermaphrodite. That story stayed with me all of these years, but unfortunately, along the way, I forgot the name of the artist. I have searched on and off over the years to find the name of the Texan with the bizarre ideas of physical perfection. I finally tracked down his name and his story is no less wrenching and grotesque when I read about him as an adult, than it was when I was a teenager.

Forrest Clemenger Bess was born in Bay City, Texas in 1911. He came from a working class family that followed work in the oil fields through Texas and Oklahoma. He took art lessons when he was 13 years old from a neighbor in Corsicana, Texas. At age 18 Bess began college in what is now called Texas A & M University where he studied Architecture. He transferred to the University of Texas a couple of years into college to pursue Liberal Arts, including English literature, Greek Mythology, Hinduism and Psychology. Finally, he dropped out of college altogether in 1933. He worked as a roughneck in the Texas oilfields until he could save enough money to go to Mexico where he began to paint in the post-impressionist style for which he is famous. He returned to America and set up a studio in Bay City, Texas and he held his first exhibition in 1936 the lobby of a hotel. When WWII broke out, he served in the Army Corps of Engineers and received a commendation for his service. Suffering his first mental breakdown in 1946, he was treated in the VA Hospital in San Antonio, and eventually became an art instructor in that hospital.

Bess later returned to Bay City to run the family bait camp in Chinquapin when his father became ill. He exhibited his paintings throughout Texas, and during a trip to New York in 1948 he met Betty Parson, who agreed to exhibit his paintings in her New York gallery. Betty Parson also represented other leading artists of the day including: Jackson Pollock, Clyfford Still, Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko. Some of his work is permanently exhibited in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and in the Menil Collection. Bess' paintings are projections of his dreams onto canvas. He kept dream notebooks and incorporated Jungian symbolism and philosophy into his artwork. He also developed a Theory of Hermaphroditism, in which he believed that the male and female forms would be perfected in the melding of the two into an androgynous being. His theory repulsed many, and was a detriment to his career as an artist. He felt that his dreams were visions and he painted the visions in simple symbols (eyes, crosses, crescents, etc…) with bold colors, geometric forms and lines. Bess felt that these representations of symbols were the key to ending human suffering. It was noted that he sometimes conjured his visions by pressing his thumbs into his eyelids and then painting what he saw.

In 1960 he performed self-surgery in an effort to achieve his androgynous ideal by carving a vagina into his perineum, and he suffered with the consequences of that surgery for the rest of his life. After suffering a stroke, he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was later placed in The Bay Villa Nursing Home in Bay City, Texas, where he died in 1977. Books and articles have been written about him and a documentary titled, The Key to the Puzzle narrated by Willem Dafoe was made about his life in 1999.

The latest chapter in Bess’ odd story is that a collection of what may or may not be his paintings was auctioned on Ebay in May 2004 by the Matagorda County Museum in Bay City, Texas. The museum purchased the collection of 90 paintings around 1995 from a man who turns out to be a known associate of Forrest Bess, who also happens to be a known dealer of questionable art items. After having the paintings studied and appraised numerous times without definitively determining the validity or worth of the collection, it was decided by the Board of Directors that the collection would be shown a final time then auctioned off with the caveat of "Buyer Beware!"

Bibliography: Michael Ennis, "His Name was Forrest Bess," Texas Monthly, June 1982. Barbara Haskell, Forrest Bess (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1981). John Money and Michael De Priest, "Three Cases of Genital Self-Surgery and Their Relationship to Transsexualism," Journal of Sex Research 12 (November 1976). Vertical Files, Houston Museum of Fine Arts. The World Wide Web at

Nov 26, 2004

The Anti-Holiday

Fly Boy Posted by Hello

This Thanksgiving we opted out. We didn't cook or invite people over. This picture is of me on Thanksgiving Day doing "the airplane" with Connor, like I have been doing with him since he was a baby. From the look of things, I won't have many more years of being able to lift him. This was the first year that he offered to "fly" me, so I took him up on it. His 10-year-old legs are not as strong as he thinks they are and the result was that his legs slowly collapsed under my weight and he pretty much begged for mercy. I win (sort of). After I crushed him, we went to Steak and Ale with the padres for some anti-turkey and we stopped by Caryn and Matt's for our one taste of a traditional Thanksgiving celebration, desert at their super-sized family Thanksgiving dinner. There were parents, sisters, cousins, kids - you name it. I got to taste Chess Pie for the first time and I got to take home a piece of my all time favorite - pecan pie. Caryn made a wonderful pecan pie, for which I heartily thank her! In addition to having a beautifully symmetric pie top with pecan halves laid out in perfect intervals, it was also exactly the right texture and the flavor was superb. Did I mention that I LOVE pecan pie?

I took the week off and spent it with my wonderful nephew, Connor. We talked, listened to music, read, and watched some B horror flicks (
Night of the Living Dead and The Last Man on Earth). I find that the older he gets, the more I enjoy introducing him to relics and pop iconography from my youth. He's is an absolute sponge for whatever he is discovering,and he can relate almost anything back to an episode of The Simpsons. We listened to the classic rock cable station while we read and when The Who came on I was telling him about Roger Daltrey swinging his microphone and Pete Townshend smashing his guitar and he got excited and said, "Hey, these guys were on The Simpsons when they divided the town!" He also recognized Paul McCartney from the vegetarian episode. I never really thought of how that show is the equivalent of the History Channel for the Y Generation.

Nov 20, 2004

Sorrow's Kitchen

Segregated Table Posted by Hello

Stetson Kennedy told The Kitchen Sisters that throughout his travels for the "America Eats" project, "one of the most stringently segregated aspects of life was eating." The photo at left, from an unidentified event, illustrates his point.

Credit: Provided by: Library of Congress

I was lisenting to NPR and heard a great quote from one of the WPA writers. "I've eaten in sorrow's kitchen and I licked the pots clean." It was from an African-American, female author who was writing for the "America Eats" project in the 1930's. The America Eats project gave WPA writers the assignment of writing about, you guessed it, what America eats. While this may not seem like an important project (or perhaps not even an interesting one), American tastes, cooking technology, and the availability of foods have changed throughout America's history, so this becomes a facinating peek into a Depression era cultural time capsule. I chose the picture above because at first it seemed so ludicrous that there was such a strict separation of races, but then I remembered that the school cafeteria at my high school in 1984 looked almost that divided. The difference of course being that in 1984 the teenagers in that cafeteria were separated by choice (with the freedom to intermingle), and the separation was not enforced by law, but rather by cliques, in fact the most racially integrated table was the football players.

The WPA was the Works Progress Administration (later called the Works Projects Administration), one of the several administrative projects set up by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as part of his New Deal. The WPA was established as relief measure to help the unemployed earn money that could be spent on necessities, which would in turn stimulate the economy and help America recover from from the depression.

The WPA was established in 1935 and ran for eight years, during which time it employed millions of people and spent money on a wide variety of programs running the gamut from building and highway construction, to reforrestation and rural programs designed to help bring roads and electricity to rural areas. I did not realize until a few years ago how extensive and the WPA was, nor did I know that it supported the arts programs including: The Federal Writers' Project, The Federal Arts Project, The Federal Music Project and The Federal Theatre Project. There was also a Historical Records Survey, which archived the projects, census records and vital statistics set up as part of the WPA.

The practical aspect of the project was that thousands of writers, painters, musicians, playwrites and actors were paid to be creative. The true beauty of the programs was that the creative work produced by the WPA workers carried the arts to rural communities that would not have otherwise had access to these types of cultural programs. During an unbearably bleak period of history, murals were painted and sculptures were created and placed in public spaces and buildings. Novels and stories were written and many of the WPA authors would later become some of the most acclaimed American authors. Symphonies were created and performed, as were plays. The arts were brought to rural areas, which previously had no access to these types of cultural programs. The WPA also created an invaluable archive of the Great Depression.

Nov 19, 2004

My Movie Business

My Movie Business Posted by Hello

This week I am reading My Movie Business, John Irving's memoir about the development of the screenplay for The Cider House Rules. He begins by discussing his grandfather, Dr. Frank Irving, a well known Obstetrician whose austere personality influenced the character of Dr. Larch in the The Cider House Rules. In this book, he explains changes in the storyline, why he added some new characters and why he left some characters out. Irving describes the artistic process of developing a screenplay from the novel and discusses the method he used to decide what in the novel he could alter to make a good movie, but still keep the essence of his story intact.

What I find most surprising about this book is the historical account of abortion. I was unaware that in America abortion did not become illegal until the mid 1800’s, or that laws against abortion were originally sought by physicians wanting to make abortions legal only if performed by doctors. Irving explains that doctors felt midwives were making too much money by performing abortions, so they pushed for a change to the law. He contends that doctors underestimated the number of abortions being performed, so they were overwhelmed and perhaps somewhat repulsed by the volume of abortion business that came there way after the change in the law. Some of the same doctors who lobbied for right to be abortionists decided they did not want any part of it, so they worked on getting a law passed that made abortions illegal. Since there was no sex education and quality birth control methods were not yet available, women were left to either bear unwanted children (consequently having to raise them or put them up for adoption), or they had to resort to the back alley abortionist and risk prosecution or possible death from the procedure.

I have been reading John Irving's books and watching his movies since the 1980's, which makes this memoir more enjoyable for me. I like the opportunity to peek into the mind of one of my favorite authors to see how his life affects the way he crafts his stories. My Movie Business offers exactly that type of insight.

Nov 14, 2004

The Price of a Memory

Grandma and Linda July 2000 Posted by Hello

And the price of a memory is the memory of the sorrow it brings.

Girlfriend in a Coma

Girlfriend in a Coma Posted by Hello

This week I finished Douglas Coupland's novel Girlfriend in a Coma. I like Coupland's books because I relate to the characters. It's not so much what the characters do, but rather their perspective and some of the thoughts (maybe neurosis) that motivate them. His characters are about my age, so I get the cultural references and I like the humor in his writing (a little warped).I am an X'er for better or worse.

A lot of negative things have been written about Generation X since Coupland made the term famous/infamous in his book by that name. For years it seemed like the media was labeling X'ers as complaining, underemployed, slackers. I took issue with that aspect of the label at the time the book came out, because I was a degreed and disillusioned waitress. I liked that we were thought to be rejecting Boomer values as they had evolved in the 80's, but I knew that we weren't the slothful ingrates portrayed in the media.

What many people misunderstood about X’ers was that underemployment was not our first choice for how to support ourselves. We were caught in the employment vacuum caused by the failing economy of the times and the huge number of Baby Boomers that preceded us. Disillusionment and mistrust of government came naturally to all of us whose childhood was colored by Watergate, the threat of nuclear annihilation, and spreading world terrorism. It's not that bad things didn't happen during the childhoods of previous generations; it's just that Gen X not only got the story, we got the accompanying visual aids via the nightly news. The Boomer's had the threat of nuclear war when they were kids, but they got the "duck and cover" version, in which they were given the hope (however misguided it was) that hiding under their desks in their classrooms would save them from the impending doom of the Russians' attack. X'ers didn't get the candy coated version of that scenario; ours was the scorched Earth/nuclear Winter adaptation. Some think us to be whiners, but I don't believe that to be the case. I believe it is just that our outlook was affected by having the world's ugliest truths paraded before our eyes night after night during our formative years. Continued exposure to the worst that mankind has to offer inevitably causes a change in how people view the world and themselves. This is something that previous generations experienced to a lesser degree than Gen X children, but children today experience far more than even we did. That said, I think that as a group we are somewhat cynical, but not completely without hope; and my hope for those who come after us is that they remain hopeful in spite of what they will bear witness to as children.

As for the book, I enjoyed it, as I do all of Coupland's books. His stories make me slow down and think about my world and my place in the world, which seems to be one of the themes running through Girlfriend in a Coma. The book leaves me feeling a tinge of nostalgia for the days that come back to me in memories like faded Kodak snapshots.

Nov 10, 2004


Petrichor by Finijo Posted by Hello

I was driving down Norfolk St. one day last Spring and the sight of this tree jutting out over the road in full bud, after a heavy rain was such a gorgeous contrast against the grey sky and building and the red fence, I had to photograph it. The photo doesn't do my memory of it justice. The pink was electrified against the grey sky and the wet asphalt. I wish I could have captured the smell of the rain or the way it made all of the colors more intense in the picture, but I guess that's what memories are for.

Nov 9, 2004

The World Doesn't Revolveround You

I came across a blog today that defined blogging, almost perfectly. Here it is:


I t R e v o l v e s A r o u n d M E.
I think you know what I mean.It seemed the only purpose of having a blog was for a self-indulgent, egomaniacal, narcissistic monster to tout his or her daily banalities for the purpose of bestowing upon YOU, the poor, sad, isolated little man who reads the "blogs" of strangers, with a constant flow of reading material.Creepy.So... I thought I'd give this a try. HAHAHAHA."I'd like to give a shout-out to my bro in SanFran and all the lovely ladies in New YORK!"Stay tuned, my beauties... I'll bring you magic soon.IrenePS: Hi to all my fans.
posted by Irene @ 12:34 PM

Sadly, it was all she wrote - maybe she will get back to it. I thought it was pretty funny, though.

Nov 8, 2004

Freaky Church Pictures

Vinnie Floating with Kids Posted by Hello

My friend, Mike, posted this comment to my picture, Hell's Window:

I agree that the window is pretty creepy. However, the statue just around the corner from the window is equally as disturbing to me. The robed figure seems to levitate about four feet off the ground under its own supernatural power. Whenever I drive by, it's all I can do to keep my eyes on the road and not on that statue. I know its there waiting to give me another fright, but I can't help and sneak a peek at it each time I pass by.

I just happened to have a picture of the freaky floating statue he was talking about. It is St. Vincent de Paul with children and I thought it was one of the more interesting features of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church when I took the picture a couple of years ago. I took about 40 or so pictures of the church and it's various interesting features. Let me know what freaks you out about the church and I'll be happy to post it; )

Nov 6, 2004

Devil in the White City

The Peristyle Posted by Hello
I am reading this amazing book called Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America about a serial killer at the World Columbian Exposition of 1893 and I am surprised that this bit of American history was hidden from me until Matt told me about this book.

The Horticulture Building Posted by Hello
While the serial killer facet of the book is captivating, the story of the preparation for and building of the city is awe-inspiring. The author, Erik Larson, balances the book by alternating the chapters between the true crime story and a historical account of the building of the fair. His writing style makes the book feel like a brilliantly written novel, when in fact, it depicts events that actually took place. The pictures in this blog are of just a few of the many buildings that were built to house exhibits for the fair. Some of the buildings were large enough to hold several football fields.

The Art Palace Posted by Hello
I find that Larson’s eloquent writing style helps the story flow and keeps me from jumping ahead when I become anxious to see how the killer’s evil plans unfold. He juxtaposes the arduous planning and somewhat plodding development of the magnificent exposition by the architect in charge with the more rapid evolution of the killer's murderous desires and his calculated preparation of a chamber of death . Either story would be a novel unto itself, but Larson artfully weaves the two tales into a gripping tapestry of the best and worst of what America can produce.

Nov 4, 2004

If You've Never Stared Off Into the Distance....

Branches Against Grey Sky by Finijo Posted by Hello

If you've never stared off into the distance,
then your life is a shame.

Nov 3, 2004

Post Election Headache

How Can 59,054,087 Americans be so DUMB? Posted by Hello

OUCH!!! I am bracing myself for the next four very painful years - but today, I can't face it.

Oct 30, 2004

Worlds I've Never Visited

The Legend of Leigh Bowery Posted by Hello

I just finished watching the documentary, The Legend of Leigh Bowery on TRIO (Pop Culture TV) and once again I was amazed at all that I do not know. Bowery was a fashion designer/club kid/walking work of art in the 1980's and into the 1990's, and his designs were beautiful, startling, and nightmarish all at once. Some of what he designed brings to mind Divine wearing the clothes of a gay Mexican wrestler. He did performance art and worked with the choreographer, Michael Clark and was painted by Lucien Freud. His legacy is twisted and grotesque, but you have to respect anyone willing to live their life on their own terms. He died on New Year's Eve 1994.