(bree-ko-LAZH) noun Something created using a mix of whatever happens to be available. [From French bricolage (do-it-yourself job), from bricoler (to putter around, to do odd jobs), from bricole (trifle), from Italian briccola.]
Dec 30, 2007
Hell's Closet

Dec 28, 2007
Christmas has come and gone pleasantly. Now, on to the new year. I signed up for a creative painting class today, in the hope that I still have some talent in that area. It dawned on me that I have not really painted properly in many years. I have painted designs and I have painted crafts, but not really painted, not like I used to. I think I am hoping that painting again will help me to sublimate some of the anxiety and unease I have been feeling in recent months. I feel like I am on a quest to regain my peace of mind, but I don't have a map (not that a map would do me much good anyway).
Dec 27, 2007
Still Life With Woodpecker

Dec 19, 2007
Free Rice

Dec 18, 2007
Psychic Advisor

Dec 16, 2007
Blue Belt Connor

It is so hard to get the boy to smile in a picture - like pulling teeth.

Dec 15, 2007

Dec 14, 2007
I Dream of Dogs and Freeways

Dec 11, 2007
Radiohead How to Disappear Completely Video Kid A
Not the official video for this song, but it fits so very well with the mood.
Dec 10, 2007
Dec 9, 2007

Dec 8, 2007
Counting Blessings
Dec 7, 2007
Dis-eased Woman
I have spent a lot of time lately feeling like I wanted to crawl out of my own skin and into something more comfortable. I haven't figured out what would be more comfortable yet, but I know I will. Change seems to me to be one of the most difficult experiences we endure, and I am feeling a profound change at my core. It's frightening to stand on the precipice of what you are becoming without understanding what is in store for you. I am trying to embrace this transition, because I know that ultimately change is good, but there are times that I want to lash out. I want to make someone pay for the lack of clarity I feel and for the discomfort I have with myself. Mostly, I just crawl off to be alone to try to make sense of what is happening, or to find comfort in a good book. The days that I am most in flux are the days that are almost unbearable - this week has been full of those days.
Dec 4, 2007
Saffie Scratches
Dec 2, 2007
Nutty and Squirrely

Today was restful, but I am feeling disconnected. Disjointed. Not altogether there, or here, or anywhere. Status quo kind of day, kind of feeling, kind of me.
Dec 1, 2007
Nov 25, 2007
Right Seat with Tony Spicer preview clip
This is video of my Uncle Tony flying the Sonex he built himself. It's not every pilot that can build their own plane, so you can imagine we are mighty impressed by him.
Nov 24, 2007
Dana Schoppa
Last week, a friend and I had the good fortune to meet a local artist named Dana Schoppa. She was showing her work at an art supply store and was just bubbling over with positive energy. She exhibited some really gorgeous nature work at the store, but on line, I could only find her paintings of churches. Dana told us that her work is sold at the Big Bend National Park, among other places. She was selling some of her work the day we met her to benefit a a breast cancer screening center, called The Rose. Kudos to Ms. Schoppa for her good work, both on the canvas and in the world.
Nov 23, 2007
The Dark Side of the Window

Johari Window

The exercise is enlightening, and it initially asks you choose five or six words from a preset list that you feel describe your perception of yourself.
Then it asks you to refer your friends to the same exercise. The Johari Window allows you to see the difference between your perceptions of your "self" and how others see you.
Take a minute if you would like, describe me with their words. If you decide to try the exercise, let me know and I will be happy to reciprocate. I don't mind if you view my results, but I would like to ask that you don't look at the results before you choose your words, I just think it would be better that way.
Nov 21, 2007
Today I withstood the charms of Catch the very cute cat. He was rescued by a friend, and deposited with a veterinarian who will find him/her a loving home. Unfortunately, this adorable picture was seen by both Marilyn and Connor who oohed, ahhed, and demanded that I immediately get in the car, drive to the veterinarian's office, and take back possession of Catch and bring him/her home to their loving embrace. Again, I resist.
Nov 20, 2007
Sometimes You Have To Take The Shot
Nov 18, 2007
Mistaken Messages
Was out with Gilly & Nic last night after work for a quick bite to eat. Gilly was telling that Graham and a few others have been let go. He finished up on the 21st of December. He is delighted. 9 years with the company so that is a bit of money for his esp. with the new baby on the way (its another girl by the way). Jimmy Giles & Darren will be the only two left there for another while longer. Anyways, they are organising a nite out on Sat 1st December. They are heading to Shelbourne park. Myself, Gilly & Nic are going - do you fancy it?
Any news with you?
Thank you and Regards Alice
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Patty's In Town

I've missed Patty a lot over the years, so my drive home from the country in the rainy dark night was a lonely one. I got lost a few times, but eventually made my way home exhausted and spent. I am going to have to visit West Virginia at some point. With 41 West's on the mountain and Patty and Bob just a few hours away, I think it is inevitable that I pay West Virginia a visit. Patty leaves on Monday and I am already missing her terribly.
Nov 17, 2007
Macroscian (muh-KROSH-i-uhn) noun
1. One casting a long shadow.
2. One who inhabits polar regions.
[From Greek macros (long) + skia (shadow).]
This word came to me through Word A Day just hours before this video was shot. I thought it was wonderfully appropriate.
Nov 15, 2007
Connor Smells Bad
When I picked Connor up from the library yesterday, I had the camera rolling. When he noticed that I was holding the camera, I assured him that I was not going to take a picture (which technically, I did not do). As he entered the car, he said, "I really stink." He then lifted his arm up and opened his sleeve to give me a whiff. He was right - after wearing his new hoodie for more than a week, he stunk in that special way only a teenage boy or a wet, dirty dog can stink. It's a good thing he's a good looking kid - because smelly and unattractive just doesn't take you very far in life. Thanks for sharing, Sweetheart...
Nov 14, 2007
Texadelphia and Pente
Where I Need to Be
I only snapped a few pictures when a little boy came over and started talking to me as I sat on a bench to get a shot of a small pond. I looked around for his mother and noticed that she was pretty far away pushing his little sister on the swings in another part of the park. I also noticed he was wearing hearing aids, so we talked a little about sign language (he knew some, but not much).

James by the Pond by Finijo
James' father is having some difficulty accepting the condition, which is not uncommon, but does make the situation a little more tense for him and the rest of the family. I gave James' mother my number and told her to call me if she has any questions or just needs some resources. Since I left the field two years ago, I have found myself in similar situations, giving out free advice about community resources and about how to deal with hearing loss in grocery stores, parking lots, and at the library. I miss working with the deaf/hard of hearing, but I think somehow I always end up being where I need to be.
Nov 12, 2007
Veterans Day 2007

I read them a couple of years back, and they show the naivete of a young man who joined the service to protect his country, who transforms into a hardened and mature soldier as the years progress. He was killed not long before the war ended, which of course is more the shame. This letter is the "regret to inform you" letter that too many families have received in wartime past and present. It's hard to believe that we can't find a better way, but I suppose that mankind will always find a reason to fight.
This is telegram was among the many items that were horded away by the Ringleben family in two small boxes. The telegram describes how Robert's body would be flown back at the US Government's expense to be reburied in the US. He was disinterred from a cemetery in Belgium to make the flight back to his home in West Virginia, where the family chose the Grafton National Cemetery as his final resting place. I can't imagine their pain at losing their son, but I can see the effect it had on his sister, and subsequently, the impact that it had on all of us.
Nov 11, 2007
If I Were an Objectophile...
While I was working on the computer, Marilyn put on an episode of Boston Legal that she DVR'd. It caught my attention because one storyline focused on a psychological condition I had not previously heard of - objectophilia. Objectophilia is sexual attraction to an inanimate object. People who experience this phenomenon describe themselves as being in a relationship or being in love with the object. They cannot connect with human beings, so their love/lust is projected onto objects instead. I am trying to figure out what I would objectify, if I were going to be in love with an object. Ruling out the obvious, this isn't as easy as it sounds.
Marilyn says I would be in love with my composter. I know that can't be right, because a composter is the object equivalent of being in love with a hippy - damn dirty hippies. Marilyn has settled on her object of love - the book, Damage, by Josephine Hart. She said, "I love the words, the story, the paper it's written on and the font." As objects go, I think a book is a more noble choice than the Berlin Wall. Still, I don't think my object would be a book. It seems to me that it would have to be something more physically substantial, but then again, maybe it should be something more intellectually dynamic. Perhaps something with a memory chip or artificial intelligence would be in order. I mean we are talking crossing the line between a species and an object, and that's got to be a greater barrier than interracial, or even inter-species relationships. I'm leaning towards the Williams Fountain, but fountains in general, seem too feminine. According to the information I read, buildings seem to be fairly common among the people who practice objectophilia, but to me a building just seems like overkill. Way too much of it, way to little of me - I do not want to be completely dwarfed by the object of my affection, but I am quite fond of the Esperson Building... I am toying with the idea of my blog being the object of my affection, but I think that would take the condition a step further and make me a virtual objectophile - which would probably seem really bizarre to the run of the mill, solid-object objectophile.
I think this phenomenon should work it's way into popular culture. Along with our mental games of "If you could have sex with any three people in the world" and "What five things would you want with you if you were trapped on a desert island," we should add "If you were in love with an inanimate object, what would it be?"
Quiet Place
Today was cleaning day. Maria came this morning, and usually we would all be cleaning along side her, but Marilyn had errands to do with Connor, and I did most of my cleaning last night in a fit of nervous energy. Today I am just feeling lethargic. I'm in a quiet place and don't feel like having noise. I've had plenty of time to draw, read, cook, garden, do any number of productive things, but all I felt like doing after Maria left was to sleep. No TV, no radio, just the humming of household appliances. Connor is reading the third book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and listening to an old Steve Martin comedy CD in the study. Amidst the buzzing of the ceiling fan, the sound of canned laughter off in the distance is strangely comforting. I am not at ease today. I have a vague feeling that the other shoe is about to drop, but I don't know why.
Nov 10, 2007
Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
After work today, I went by Helen's Park and took some pictures. I got some really vivid shots of some of the flowers. It really seemed like the reds were on fire and the purples were unimaginably deep, so I was surprised when I got back and saw the colors I saw actually show up in the pictures I took. The brief videos above were taken with my Olympus FE-110 and I like how they turned out. I don't know why the fountain shot went grainy like old film, but I think it adds something to the footage.
Nov 9, 2007
B** C***
B** C***
You are a nasty little man
I cannot feel sympathy
or empathy
or kindness
towards you now.
Because it is my job
I let you
beat me down
and I don't fight back.
You have again
sapped the joy
from an otherwise
pleasant day.
It is impossible
to have a positive
encounter with you.
You think you are
unemployed because
of the job market,
because of discrimination.
It's because
You are an asshole.
demeaning counseling
session with Mr. B** C***
Nov 7, 2007
15 Miles to Austin

Fifteen Miles to Austin by Finijo
I took this picture on my last trip to Austin. These words came to me as I passed that same sign on my way to Austin about 12 years before. I was going to Austin to meet with an advisor in the Psychology Department to try to get into graduate school at UT. The guy was nice enough to meet with me, but ultimately we could not come to a meeting of the minds and I left his office remembering the feeling that I had when I attended UT as an undergrad. I felt less than human, a number, or something that he got to check off of his to do list. In the end, it all worked out and I have very fond memories of my time in Austin, but I don't think I will forget again that feeling of insignificance.
Austin 15 Miles
The sign says
15 miles to Austin
I am filled with
But the road is blocked
by fear and doubt
Will you take me back?
Am I the only obstacle
in my path?
I see no other future
Are my eyes clear
or cloudy?
The answer is in my heart.
Nov 6, 2007
Composting is Beautiful

Nov 5, 2007
Matt's Birthday Brunch