(bree-ko-LAZH) noun
Something created using a mix of whatever happens to be available.
[From French bricolage (do-it-yourself job), from bricoler (to putter around, to do odd jobs), from bricole (trifle), from Italian briccola.]
Nov 5, 2007
Matt's Birthday Brunch
Today we went to Matt's birthday brunch and got a lot of great family time and great family shots. Here's Dave with his little brother Sammy.
Matt with his boys, Dave and Sammy. I can't believe Dave is leaving for college in 9 short months. The house will be much emptier without 6'5" of David hanging around.
Stuart with Spencer and his father, Stanley, with Evelyn in the background. Beautiful girls in the family, Soleil and Sky are smiling - but Evelyn is giving Marilyn the stink-eye.
Group shot of the families. I like this one the best because Sammy is looking at me - we've got a bond. I'd actually babysit for this beautiful boy, if I weren't number 15 in the line of succession for babysitting dibs. I love this family. It's big and loud and funny and weird - and perfect. Sammy "Swiffer" Barron showed us his special talent today. He can propel himself across the floor using only his upper body strength and his flipper-like feet. It's a marvel to behold.
Rick with Soleil and Emoni. You can't tell from the picture, but Emoni is revelling in being swung by her father.
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