Casa Mantequilla
This is Casa Mantequilla. The focus of much of my distraction for the last couple of months.
Casa Mantequilla from another angle. Two weeks after La Loca made her final exit, we moved into our first house.
The previous owner loved to garden, so the back yard is quite lovely. The patio is now full of my plants, but I will probably put most of them in the ground before long.
This is a view from the living room out into the back yard. We have more birds, butterflies, and squirrels than I would have guessed could fit into a back yard in the city. Yesterday we saw nine little birds having a grand time in the bird bath.
This is Connor sitting in the living room floor during our inspection of the house. He's playing his PSP and oblivious to all that is going on around him.
This is a view of my desk, the same view as the picture above, but with furniture.
This is the view from my desk. The couch is in front of the desk, but you can get a really good view of the TV, as long as Marilyn's unusually large noggin is not centered on the horizon.
I will post a daytime view through the windows from the computer soon - it is one of the best things about having the computer in the livingroom.
This is Saffie sprawling across the kitchen floor. It took her a week, but she is finally acting like she's at home in her new house.
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