(bree-ko-LAZH) noun
Something created using a mix of whatever happens to be available.
[From French bricolage (do-it-yourself job), from bricoler (to putter around, to do odd jobs), from bricole (trifle), from Italian briccola.]
I bought some new stuff for the house. Internet shopping is GREAT! I found a rug for the entry way, and it was immediately taken over by the cats. Connor found out that he couldn't replace Bodhi on the rug.
Bodhi is especially fond of the rug. While I am on the computer, I can look over and see his eyes glowing out at me from the darkened entry way, as he sits in the middle of the rug, like it's his throne.
I also got a wicker window seat for my room. I had a little window ledge for the cats, but only two of them could get on it at the same time, and it seemed like it would buckle under their weight.
Now all three of them fit in the window, where they can watch the birds and squirrels all day long. I love the seat because it holds my linens, but I think the cats may love it more than I do.